China after the five year plan. What dialogue with the Dragon? – LIVE TALKLIVE STREAMING - MERCOLEDI' 28 APRILE, ORE 10:30
- 27 April 2021
- Posted by: Competere
- Categories: events, highlights, News

China after the Five Year Plan. What dialogue with the Dragon? – LIVE TALK
Mercoledì, 28 aprile – ore 10:30 CEST
Per seguire la live su Facebook clicca qui
The 13th National People Congress (NPC) approved on 11th March 2021 the 14th Five Year-Plan of the Communist Party of China for the “national economic and social development of the People’s Republic of China”.
Coming from the most challenging year of the last decade, the Chinese plan for the next five years and more assumes even a greater importance. Publicly defining basic guidelines and objectives of China’s development, observers are also assisting to what will be the major developments in the global world. The importance of this interesting and complex actor in global dynamics is unquestioned and will heavily contribute to our vision and experience of the future.
The webinar will discuss about the future issues to follow and will explore the possible dialogue and relationship between China and the EU.
Francesca Ghiretti, Reserach fellow Asia at Istituto Affari Internazionali
Elodie Cardonnet, Research Fellow at Competere, Master in China Studies, International Relations and Sustainable Development
Domenico Repaci, Editorial Board -“Management, Finance and Ethics” at PUSC in Rome
Sehoyun Han, Master in China Studies at Renmin University of China
Shalva Chikhladze, Sinologist and Visiting Lecturer of Tbilisi State University, Department of International Relations
Stefano Sartorio, Research Fellow at