Farm2Fork: Assessing Progress and Envisioning TomorrowEUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, 10 APRIL


Assessing Progress and Envisioning Tomorrow


April 10th, 2024, European Parliament (Room 5F385)

>> Read the press release <<


On Wednesday, April 10th, we organised the groundbreaking roundtable event “Farm2Fork:Farm2Fork: Assessing Progress and Envisioning Tomorrow” at the European Parliament (Room 5F385), in Brussels.


In 2019, the European Commission launched the Green Deal, the ambitious project aimed at addressing global environmental and health challenges in increasing Europe’s competitiveness through a significant reduction of the environmental impact of actions by both European citizens and businesses. This plan has seen the implementation of directives, regulations, incentives, and strategies that influence the daily lives of citizens and companies. However, some aspects of the Green Deal have experienced slowdowns or have been modified to address the emergencies of the past four years, such as the pandemic, supply chain disruptions and blockages, the war in Ukraine, conflicts in the Middle East, geopolitical turmoils, the rise of global protectionism, anti-Western strategies, and inflation. 

In the face of these challenges and the more that will come, the Green Deal seems to no longer fully meet the needs and expectations of European citizens, particularly in the agri-food sector.


The roundtable aimed to take stock of the situation, analyzing the successes and failures of the Green Deal in the Agri-Food sector. What does the sector need to enhance its competitiveness, promote resilience and sustainability, and avoid the risk of food insecurity?

Outstanding speakers shared their experience regarding the effectiveness of the Farm2Fork strategy, highlighting both the positive and negative aspects, and expressing their expectations and proposals for the next five years.

Download the slides 

Andrea Bertaglio

Sossio Chierego 

Antoine Hoxha 

Conor Mulvihill



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