Food and energy securityBY PIETRO PAGANINI

On November 3, 2022, Pietro Paganini attended IPOC, the annual International Palm Oil Conference organised by Gapki, the Indonesian palm oil association in Bali, Indonesia.

The climate crisis, the supply chain bottlenecks, the post-pandemic shortages and the conflict in Ukraine show that the king is naked
Europe is energy dependent on other countries, mostly former colonies. These regions are now economically and politically independent and do not necessarily need Europe. 
Europe has not woken up and fully realized its dramatic problems. It continues to pursue incomprehensible policies
Palm oil is the best case study. It has been boycotted for commercial and protectionist reasons. The oil palm supply chain has to be supported because Europe needs palm oil for food and energy. In addition, producing countries are making immense efforts to achieve high sustainability standards and focusing greater attention on the environment. A best practice is Indonesia, where forest loss decreased by a quarter last year compared to 2020, according to an April report by the World Resources Institute. It was the fifth consecutive year of total decline. Supporting this is the recent rainforest protection pact signed by the leading palm oil producer with Brazil and Congo. The three countries – home to more than half of the world’s tropical rainforests – pledged to work together to establish a “funding mechanism” that could help preserve the forests, which help regulate Earth’s climate and support a variety of animals, plants, birds and insects.
During his speech, Pietro Paganini discussed Europe’s dependence on vegetable oils, particularly palm oil, demonstrating once more that boycotting is stupid.
  • We have reached 8 billion people on this planet.
  • We need 19.5 trillion K/Cal, 30% fats, and 10% saturated fats
  • About 2 trillion saturated fats are produced every day, if not more considering those we lose and waste.
  • Vegetable oils are essential for producing a lot of energy.
  • They are considered even more essential when we think about the value of energy.  
  • Soybean oil and palm oil are stupidly boycotted and should not be.


On the same day, as a side event of the G20, Competere organized the Sustainable Vegetable Oils Conference. You can read more and review speeches by international panelists here >> link