Palm oil: steering through ambiguityBY PIETRO PAGANINI
- 6 November 2023
- Posted by: Competere
- Categories: highlights, News, Sustainable Oils & Fats
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On November 2, 2023, Pietro Paganini attended IPOC, the annual International Palm Oil Conference organised by Gapki, the Indonesian palm oil association in Bali, Indonesia.
Pietro Paganini had the privilege of moderating a panel at the 19th Indonesian Palm Oil Conference and 2024 Price Outlook 2023 (IPOC 2023), setting the stage with an inspiring introduction that delved into the complexities and uncertainties faced by the palm oil industry. This annual gathering unites thousands, including small and large-scale farmers, producers, and processors, all committed to addressing disruptions in raw material supply chains.
In 2023, the European Union adopted the European Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR), a groundbreaking legislation targeting commodities such as palm oil. Now, as the EUDR enters its critical implementation phase, companies are navigating the complexities of compliance.
The regulation brings challenges, especially for smallholders at risk of being left out. mbiguous stance of European member states and the need for clarity from the European Commission create a state of uncertainty.
- EUDR implications for palm oil: H.E Andri Hadi, Ambassador of Indonesia to the EU, explored the EUDR’s repercussions on the palm oil industry.
- Regulatory gap: Agus Purnomo, Senior Advisor at Golden Agri Resources, discussed the divergence between EUDR and Indonesian regulations.
- Impact on smallholders: Rizal Lukman, Secretary General of CPOPC, delved into the challenges faced by smallholders.
- Industry compliance: the CEO of Dibiz, U.R. Unnithan, outlined how the palm oil industry can align with the regulations.
The panel highlighted that palm oil entering Europe is now safe and adheres to zero deforestation policies. Despite improvements in the reputation of palm oil, particularly in Italy, negative campaigns continue. By moderating this discussion at the GAPKI conference, Pietro Paganini was once again part of a vital dialogue aiming to navigate these uncertainties and seek stability in the industry.
Rewatch “Now what? The practical implementation of the EUDR in Europe and producing countries” >>>