Degree in Medicine, “cum laude”, University of Milan; Post-Doc in Clinical Pharmacology “cum laude”, University of Milan. His research activity was focused, initially, on lipid metabolism and dyslipidemias. From 1986 to 1993 he was involved as Scientific Secretary in the Italian National Educational Program on Cholesterol Control, endorsed by the Italian Ministry of Health. In 1995 he initiated a collaboration with a non-profit association, NFI-Nutrition Foundation of Italy. He is the chairman of the association since 2014. He has since 2017 a position as Visiting Professor at the University of Brescia, for a Course on Nutrition and Prevention of Degenerative Diseases. His main area of interest is now the association between nutrition and health, with a special focus on the role of nutriron in the prevention of non-communicable diseases. He is author of about 100 PubMed referenced publications, and editor of a few volumes (Chocolate and health, Vitamin C, Vitamin E; Moderate alcohol intake and Cardiovascular Disease).
Andrea Poli è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia e specializzato in Farmacologia clinica presso l’Università di Milano, ha contribuito allo sviluppo della misurazione in vivo dello spessore della parete arteriosa, e allo sviluppo del concetto dell’IMT. I suoi principali interessi di ricerca si sono poi spostati verso la relazione tra alimentazione e prevenzione delle malattie degenerative. Dal 2014 è Presidente di NFI-Nutrition Foundation of Italy; è anche titolare di un contratto di insegnamento presso l’Università degli Studi di Brescia. E’ autore di circa 80 pubblicazioni recensite su Pub-Med.