Elodie Cardonnet

Elodie CardonnetFellow

Elodie Cardonnet
Areas of expertise
  • International Relations
  • Sustainable Development
  • Belt and Road Initiative
  • Environment protection in China
  • Master Degree in China Studies – Chinese Politics
  • Master Degree in International Relations
  • Master (postgraduate course) in Sustainable Development, Geopolitics of Resources and Arctic Studies
  • Master (postgraduate course) in Marketing, Communication & Made in Italy
  • Bachelor Degree in International Sciences and Euopean Institutions

Master’s graduate in International Relations (University of Milan, Renmin University of China), after a Bachelor Degree in International Sciences and European Institutions (University of Milan, Sciences Po Lille, Uniwersytet Wrocławski), and a Master (post-graduate course) in Marketing, Communication & Made in Italy (Centro Studi Comunicare l’Impresa, Italy-USA Foundation), she is currently conducting research on Contemporary China Studies through a Master at Silk Road School (Renmin University of China), and on sustainable development through a Master in Sustainable Development, Geopolitics of Resources and Arctic Studies at SIOI (Italian Society for International Organization).

She gained experience in project management and online events planning through the Association Mondo Internazionale. She studied, worked and volunteered in over 20 countries in Asia (Hong Kong, China), Europe (Italy, France, Poland, and Belgium, among others), Africa (Morocco), and America (USA).

She is currently conducting research on topics related to sustainable development and green finance, with a focus on environment protection in China and on projects related to the Belt and Road Initiative.

Laureata magistrale in Relazioni internazionali (Università di Milano, Renmin University of China), dopo una laurea in Scienze Internazionali e Istituzioni Europee (Università di Milano, Sciences Po Lille, Uniwersytet Wrocławski), e un Master (corso post-laurea) in Marketing, Comunicazione & Made in Italy (Centro Studi Comunicare l’Impresa, Fondazione Italia-Usa), attualmente sta conducendo ricerche sui Contemporary China Studies attraverso un Master presso la Silk Road School (Renmin University of China), e sullo sviluppo sostenibile attraverso un Master in Sviluppo Sostenibile, Geopolitica delle Risorse e Studi Artici presso la SIOI (Società Italiana di Organizzazione Internazionale).

Ha acquisito esperienza nella gestione di progetti e nella pianificazione di eventi online attraverso l’Associazione Mondo Internazionale. Ha studiato, lavorato e fatto volontariato in oltre 20 paesi in Asia (Hong Kong, Cina), Europa (Italia, Francia, Polonia e Belgio, tra gli altri), Africa (Marocco) e America (USA).

Attualmente sta conducendo ricerche sui temi legati allo sviluppo sostenibile e alla finanza verde, con particolare attenzione alla protezione dell’ambiente in Cina e ai progetti legati alla Belt and Road Initiative. 

La credibilità è la nostra forza. La nostra visione al vostro servizio.

Pietro Paganini
Presidente, Competere

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