Franco GaudentiAdvisor

Areas of expertise
- Corporate finance
- Financial and management consulting
- Private equity
- President of EnVent Spa
- Former joint manager of Merchant Banking at Bank of Rome
- Former Partner of Andersen Corporate Finance
President of EnVent S.p.a. More than 25 years of experience in investment and merchant banking – he started his career in 1984 in Arthur Andersen.
He then joined the IFIL Group (then Exor Group), where he worked as assistant to the General Manager and in 1992 in Banca di Roma, as co-head of Merchant Banking. In 1998 he was appointed Partner of Andersen Corporate Finance as leader of Large Clients and M&A Origination, managing a team of 20 professionals based in the Rome and Milan offices. In 2003 he founded EnVent Spa, a corporate finance and advisory company, specialized in the Mid-Market.
In 2009, EnVent, first among non-banking independent financial advisors, was approved by Borsa Italiana as Nominated Adviser (Nomad) for AIM Italy.
In August 2014 he founded EnVent Capital Markets Limited, a capital markets and investment banking company based in London, with an Italian branch in Rome, authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
According to Thomson Reuters’ findings on debt advisory and restructuring transactions EnVent ranks among the top Italian players in Italy.
Presidente di EnVent S.p.a. Più di 25 anni di esperienza negli investimenti e nel merchant banking – ha iniziato la sua carriera nel 1984 in Arthur Andersen.
In seguito entra a far parte del Gruppo IFIL (poi Exor Group), dove ha lavorato come assistente del direttore generale e nel 1992 in Banca di Roma, in qualità di co-responsabile del Merchant Banking. Nel 1998 è stato nominato Partner di Andersen Corporate Finance in qualità di leader dei Grandi Clienti e M & A Origination gestione di un team di 20 professionisti basati nelle sedi di Roma e Milano. Nel 2003 ha fondato EnVent Spa, società di corporate finance e advisory specializzata nel Mid-Market.
Nel 2009 EnVent, primo tra i promotori finanziari non bancari indipendenti, è stato approvato da Borsa Italiana come Nominated Adviser (Nomad) per AIM Italia.
Nell’agosto del 2014 fonda EnVent Capital Markets Limited, una società di mercati dei capitali e investment banking con sede a Londra, con una filiale italiana a Roma, autorizzata e regolamentata dalla Financial Conduct Authority.
Secondo i risultati di Thomson Reuters ‘sulla consulenza del debito e operazioni di ristrutturazione EnVent posiziona tra i principali operatori italiani in Italia.