Think tank

We want to give a vision to the future, a method to cope with it and develop ideas and proposals to increase the freedom and prosperity of citizens. What is happening and what are the answers to the current economic and social transformations? In a globalized and digitalized world where men and objects are perpetually connected to each other, we seem unable to provide an analysis of the facts and consequently adequate responses to the needs of citizens. We want to try to provide a new perspective, a methodological framework that allows us to understand the phenomena and produce effective responses to improve the coexistence of citizens.

Competere offers analysis and moments of discussion among experts whose goal is to create an ecosystem that fosters innovation and free enterprise.

Scientific Method

Recognizing problems, observing phenomena, and interpreting them for developing effective and measurable solutions and alternatives. This is our method, which follows a scientific and experimental approach to problems.


The seek original solutions, in order to put our partners in a position to anticipate the competition, astonish the market and above all determine the changes.

Analysis & Paper