World Environment Day 2021: Competere in defense of our planet’s ecosystemsCelebrate with us the 48th World Environment Day

World Environment Day 2021: Competere Joined by the European Commission and Italian Government to protect our ecosystem

We are delighted to announce that the Italian Government, the European Commission and some of the most important global leading think-tanks and NGOs have joined us to celebrate the Word Environment Day 2021.

Each of them sent a short message to advocate for the protection of our ecosystems. We want to share them with you because they are of inspiration.

Watch Italian Minister for Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani and the Undersecretary Ilaria Fontana message here (italian)

Watch our global video with key voices from the European Commission and global think-tanks and NGOs.

Hugo Maria Schally, Head of Unit in Multilateral Environmental Cooperation of the European Commission

Ilaria Fontana, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

Felipe Carazo, Tropical Forest Alliance

Salvatore Pinizzotto, International Rubber Study Group

Lasley Rochat, CEO and Founder of AfriOceans

Karen Rosales, GrePalma


Established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1972, following the Conference on the Environment held in Stockholm from 5 to 16 June of that year, the World Environment Day was celebrated for the first time in 1974 and since then gathers demonstrations and environmental instances from all over the world.

The objectives are aimed at raising awareness in civil society and the political world about the protection of the environment, ecosystems and the fight against pollution. With more than 4.7 million hectares of forests destroyed every year, almost 80% of polluted water discharged into the oceans without treatment and 87% of the world’s wetlands now lost, the impact of human existence on the Earth is now experiencing a point of no return that global civil society and institutions must reflect on.

To promote greater awareness of the issue, this year the World Environment Day is dedicated to the alarm of ecosystems at risk: the watchword is to stop as soon as possible the damage inflicted on the environment and commit everyone to its regeneration.


Today marks the official start of the United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, which will have as its global mission to regenerate billions of hectares of land and marine ecosystems around the world.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has also made available its World Environment Day 2021 Practical Guide to offer food for thought, paths and advice on this issue. A dedicated web page is also available, through which it will be possible to stay updated on all the initiatives organized on the occasion of the WED.


Pietro Paganini – Presidente di Competere.Eu

Hugo Maria Schally – European Commission

Felipe Carazo – Tropical Forest Alliance

Salvatore Pinizzotto – International Rubber Study Group

Lasley Rochat – AfriOceans

Karen Rosales – GrePalma

Francesca Morgante – Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)


Forest 4 Orangutangus


Roberto Cavallo – Cooperica

Monica Tommasi – Amici della Terra