Stefano Sartorio

Stefano SartorioJunior Fellow

Stefano Sartorio
Areas of expertise
  • International Relations
  • Sustainable Development
  • Belt and Road Initiative
  • Environment protection in China
  • Master Degree in China Studies – Chinese Politics
  • Master Degree in International Relations
  • Master (postgraduate course) in Sustainable Development, Geopolitics of Resources and Arctic Studies
  • Master (postgraduate course) in Marketing, Communication & Made in Italy
  • Bachelor Degree in International Sciences and Euopean Institutions

Stefano Sartorio is Research Fellow at Competere. He is Vice-President and Founder of Associazione Mondo Internazionale, Vice-Head of European Guanxi Milano and Consultant at Taras Consulting Italia for business internationalization.

He graduated in International Relations at at the University of Milan. He is pursuing a Master in China Contemporary Studies at Renmin University of China in Suzhou.

His research focuses on Chinese foreign and domestic policy.

Stefano Sartorio è Research Fellow presso Competere. È Vicepresidente e fondatore dell’Associazione Mondo Internazionale, Vice-Head di European Guanxi Milano e Consulente presso la Taras Consulting Italia per l’internazionalizzazione d’impresa.

È laureato in Relazioni Internazionali presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. Segue un Master in China Contemporary Studies presso la Renmin University of China a Suzhou.

Le sue ricerche si concentrano sulla politica estera e domestica cinese.

La credibilità è la nostra forza. La nostra visione al vostro servizio.

Pietro Paganini
Presidente, Competere

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