Competere endorses the Tropical Forest Alliance’s manifesto and join the collective coalition paper on EU deforestation policies
9 December 2020 -
Toward Zero Deforestation: a Multilateral Global Approach for EU Policies – LIVE TALK
4 December 2020 -
Contro la deforestazione l’UE non può agire da sola
29 October 2020 -
Estrategia europea de la Granja a la Mesa: Impacto en Etiquetados y Claims – Live Talk
12 October 2020 -
Farm to Fork: Utopia Ideologica vs. Scienza
22 September 2020 -
Farm to Fork, Serve Bilanciare Sostenibilità e Sviluppo
17 July 2020 -
Sustainable Nutrition Food Labels and Claims: What’s Next with the F2F? – LIVE TALK
8 July 2020 -
Sustainable Nutrition Etichette e claim alimentari: cosa cambierà per i cittadini? LIVE TALK
1 July 2020 -
Giornata Mondiale dell’Ambiente: Conoscere il Pianeta per Proteggerlo
5 June 2020 -
Nasce l’Osservatorio Sustainable Nutrition
27 May 2020